Keeping dairy goats
(10 November, 2024)
Keeping happy, healthy & productive house goats.
The day is designed for those thinking of starting a small herd of ‘house goats’ for personal use or those relatively new to dairy goat keeping. We will cover the basics of keeping happy, healthy and productive dairy goats. We will commence the day ‘getting to know’ goats, learning about social structure and goat psychology and what different breeds offer. We will discuss the dos and don’ts of food, shelter and fencing options, common health issues and routine ‘maintenance’ requirements. Then for the fun part: breeding, kidding and dairy production!
The workshop will be as ‘hands-on’ as possible. You will interact with our goats (including bucks), look at our set-up, mix different food rations, get up close and personal with a doe’s udder, watch Steve demonstrate hoof maintenance, work with electric fencing, bottle feed goat kids and more.
Sunday 10 November
9am to 4pm
at Schoolhouse Farm
Verona, Bega Valley, NSW
Scrumptious morning tea and lunch included.
Cancellation Policy
Due to limited spaces and the workshop format, should you need to cancel, we ask that you do this at least 48 hours before the workshop. This gives us the opportunity to backfill your place.
You may cancel by phone 0419 033045 or email
We will not automatically offer refunds. If you cancel before the 48 hour window we will, however, offer you a credit towards another course or other Schoolhouse Farm products.
You may, in lieu of taking a credit, transfer your attendance to a friend. This can only be done if you have provided the 48 hours’ notice and for the actual occurrence of the course you cannot attend.
If you do not cancel prior to the 48 hours, you will lose payment for the workshop and no credit will be offered.
We reserve the right to cancel the workshop if for some reason it cannot proceed. This may include critical weather conditions, such as heat wave conditions, fire threat, extreme winds or flooding rains. We will not take risks with your welfare, ours, the farm or our livestock.
By booking your place you indicate that you accept these terms.
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