So you’re thinking about getting chickens – it’s all in the breed! Don’t rush into it, take time to think and plan, to choose. The key questions to ask yourself are, “What characteristics am I looking for and what breeds suit my circumstances?” This really...
Meet “Bella”, NOT looking her best at the moment as she goes through her annual moult When Straight-Comb-Bella hatched I whispered, “Be a Bella”, and she was! Let’s celebrate the elders in our flock! Those chickens that keep on keeping on, you know the ones, they seem...
Pipping! But in the end you have a hat full of chicks, which we call a swaddle of hope! Pipping is when a chick breaks through the inner membrane of an egg and then through the outer egg too. You’ve waited 21 days for this to happen, wondered about the effects of the...