We intend running a series of courses over the next year or two, all focused on ‘homesteading’ with ideas evolving around keeping house goats, cheese making, soap making, fermentation/preserving and more. Our dream is to run these in conjunction with homesteading legends from our region as a way of ‘sharing the local love’ of producing, sustaining and community.
The Venue
The building we now refer to as the schoolhouse was established as the “Cobbobra Public School” in 1884 by the (then) Department of Public Instruction at the cost of between 800-1000 pounds. Cobbobra was written up in The Bega Gazette (4 April, 1885) as “one of the many small hamlets, centres of rural population … making slow sure progress in our midst, and forming the nucleus of future important townships.” The occasion of this article was to report on a picnic that was held on the 26th March (1885) to celebrate the school’s opening. The picnic was deemed a great success with over 200 people turning up!
The Venue
The building we now refer to as the schoolhouse was established as the “Cobbobra Public School” in 1884 by the (then) Department of Public Instruction at the cost of between 800-1000 pounds. Cobbobra was written up in The Bega Gazette (4 April, 1885) as “one of the many small hamlets, centres of rural population … making slow sure progress in our midst, and forming the nucleus of future important townships.” The occasion of this article was to report on a picnic that was held on the 26th March (1885) to celebrate the school’s opening. The picnic was deemed a great success with over 200 people turning up!

The original schoolroom is where our courses are run; it still holds all its original charm.
Backyard Chicken Keeping
We’ve extended our course from one to two days!
On Day 1 we will cover the basics of all things ‘keeping chickens’ – housing, breeds, health, common
ailments, nutrition – essentially all you need to know to start and maintain a healthy contented flock.
Day 2 we will go a little deeper, covering adding to your flock, going the extra mile with nutrition,
performing a health & maintenance check, and managing roosters. (You can attend either day or both,
your choice)
Date: Saturday and Sunday 27 & 28 th May
Venue: Schoolhouse Farm, old school room and cottage
434 Upper Brogo Rd, Verona
Included: Fully catered (scrumptious vegetarian, vegan and glutton-free options for morning tea,
lunch and afternoon tea, tea and coffee and alternatives), course notes, product samples.
Cost: $100 – $300 pp
Upcoming Courses
Keeping House Goats
It’s early days in the planning cycle for this course. This introductory course will cover the essentials of keeping a goat or two for a small holding. We will cover breeds, housing, nutrition, basic care, milking and kidding. Basically everything I wish I’d known before I started! If you are interested in being kept up to date please drop me an email on and I’ll happily put you on the list!
Cold process soap making
In this beginners course we will teach you the homesteading basics of making natural soaps using the cold process method. We will cover everything you need to know to get started – the method, ingredients, safety and how to include additives such as essential oils, botanicals & colourings. And, yes, if you’ve always wanted to learn how to soap with goat’s milk (and why wouldn’t you) then we will teach you how to do this too. Let me know via if you’d like to be kept informed.